Hey there, El Paso! Exciting news on the horizon: our beloved city is planning for an upgrade!

You know that feeling when you find a gem and can‘t help but polish it to make it shine even brighter? Well, that‘s exactly what we‘re doing with our 2012 Comprehensive Plan, known as Plan El Paso.

Picture this: a roadmap that not only celebrates the vibrant spirit of our community but also charts a course toward an even brighter future. That‘s what this update is all about — taking what we cherish most about our city and amplifying it while tackling head-on the areas where we see room for improvement.

This Comprehensive Plan Update will build upon adopted plans and policies, and in support of the Mayor and City Council‘s Strategic Plan. With Envision El Paso, we‘re taking a deep dive into five key themes that shape the heart and soul of El Paso: Housing Affordability, Fiscal Responsibility, Economic Development, Mobility Choice, and Equity.

It‘s all about making sure every corner of our city thrives, ensuring everyone has a fair shot at success, and keeping our beloved El Paso a place we‘re proud to call home.

Envision El Paso: Updating Our Comprehensive Plan

Envision El Paso: Updating Our Comprehensive Plan

Envision El Paso Survey

Interactive Map


Envision El Paso: Updating Our Comprehensive Plan:

Visualiza El Paso: Actualización de Nuestro Plan Integral:
